Dental nurses – it’s time to become fully fledged in full arch!

By Gemma Thompson

9th January 2021

2 minute read

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Dental implant nurses, do you want to reach the next level? With demand for full-arch restorations on the rise, there is no better time to book onto Kasia Allan’s exciting course!

The role of a dental nurse has changed. They are no longer just a helping hand for dentists in the background. These days they are an integral part of the treatment process, helping with planning, explaining the procedures to patients, and assisting with all clinical stages to ensure successful placement of implants.

Full arch dental implant treatment is an ever-increasing need in our continuously growing, ageing society. As an implant nurse, you are a vital link in restoring a patients’ comfort, function and aesthetics as a result of a new full arch dental implant.

Hosted by Kasia Allan, who has been actively training implant nurses for the past eight years, the Advanced Nurses Full Arch Training course is ideal for the implant nurse that wishes to expand their skills and learn more about this area of implants.

Suitable for dental nurses who are already involved in implant dentistry, the Advanced Nurses Full Arch Training course aims to increase understanding around the types of patients suitable for the full arch procedure, what the procedure involves and how their role supports the implant surgeon with the organisational side of the treatment.

Delegates will learn how to manage the patient at every stage to help ensure a stress-free approach to full arch cases, with an emphasis on soft skills, active listening and effective communication. Having the ability to communicate effectively with patients to explain this complex treatment will become easier on completion of the course.

There will also be explanations on organisation and planning for the day of surgery, how to support the patient and surgeon at every stage, surgical set-up and four-handed dentistry. The course aims to give delegates the knowledge and confidence to support patients throughout their full arch implant journey using a team approach.

If you’re a dental nurse and would like to be involved in the exciting rise of full-arch implant dentistry, contact your local BioHorizons Camlog Territory Manager for dates and locations near you.


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