
Biomaterials Solutions

When bone and tissue quality and quantity matter – discover the freedom to regenerate. Expand your treatment repertoire and grow your implant patient base with our extensive, reliable portfolio of biomaterials for consistently outstanding results. 

Biomaterials for hard and soft tissue regeneration

Xenograft, allograft & synthetic

Preserving bone volume and soft tissue height during tooth extraction is essential to ensure ideal bone and soft tissue contour. BioHorizons Camlog offers a comprehensive range of regenerative and patient-centric solutions needed to create a solid base for hard and soft tissue growth – the perfect synergy between natural looking aesthetics and long-term function.

With allograft, xenograft and synthetic solutions to meet yours and your patient’s preferences, they have been designed to:

  • Offer greater treatment flexibility
  • Greater material choice to best benefit the patient
  • Increase patient acceptance for surgical treatment


The correct choice of biomaterials is crucial to achieve optimal clinical outcomes – in functional, structural and aesthetic terms. Our portfolio of biomaterials offers you a comprehensive range of products for virtually all requirements needed for the regeneration of hard and soft tissue deficits.

Address your patients’ needs AND suit your clinical preferences with our comprehensive portfolio of regenerative solutions.

Explore our comprehensive range of proven, patient-centric solutions.


Xtract Packs

Xtract Packs are THE patient-centric solution for individual case management. Improve your ordering and stock control by ordering our Xtract Packs (1 dental membrane and 1 dental bone graft) for your next case.

  • Streamline the ordering process
  • Simplify case management
  • Reduce stock storage
Ask us about Xtract Packs

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