LOVE MinerOss® – your perfect allograft match

By BioHorizons Camlog

14th February 2023

3 minute read

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Are you an implant clinician or a GDP performing extractions? Are you looking for the perfect allograft match to suit you and your patient’s needs?  

If you answered ‘Yes’, then we think you’ll LOVE MinerOss® – the allograft bone substitute material from BioHorizons Camlog that helps to create a solid base for soft and hard tissue growth. 

The preservation of bone volume and soft tissue height during tooth extraction is essential to achieving ideal bone and soft tissue contour. Combine this with the growing demand for transformative implant treatment, bone grafting has become commonplace in dentistry as sufficient bone volume and quality is necessary for successful placement of the implants.  

Why choose an allograft? 

Limited tissue availability and the harvesting process’s potential morbidity factor have pushed clinicians to seek innovation in regenerative technology. Whilst traditional autogenous grafts have served the clinician’s purpose well, alternatives such as allografts provide similar results whilst avoiding a second intraoral wound. 

Allografts are biologic tissues derived from human donors and sourced from a bone bank. The externally sourced donor tissue undergoes an extensive cleaning and structured processing method to remove biological DNA from the cancellous and cortical bone structure. 

Love MinerOss

Why choose MinerOss® Blend? 

MinerOss® Blend offers a regenerative balance of mineralised cortical (70%) and cancellous (30%) allograft chips, helping to form an osteoconductive scaffold for volume enhancement and effective site development to place dental implantsii 

With a particle size of 300-1000μm, the MinerOss® Blend package includes a low-profile jar with a wide opening that improves graft accessibility and the ability to hydrate prior to graft placement. Primary applications for the effective use of MinerOss® Blend include… 

  • Extraction socket grafting 
  • Grafting for implant placement 
  • Periodontal defects 
  • Lateral and vertical ridge augmentation 
  • Sinus grafting 

Using reliable biomaterials is essential in creating a solid base for hard and soft tissue growth and MinerOss® Blend offers you a regenerative solution to helping create natural-looking aesthetics and long-term function.  

For a limited time only, you can BUY 3 & GET 4 MinerOss® Blend – simply quote MinerOss2023 when ordering. To order, click here to contact our sales team, or Customer Service on 01344 752560 or 


Terms and Conditions

T&C. Quote the promotion code MinerOss2023 when ordering. Offer valid until 31st March 2023. Items will be sold at list price and with a purchase of 3 x MinerOss Blend a 0.5cc MinerOss® Blend will also be included. This offer is only valid for the first order of MinerOss® Blend and therefore is only open to new customers of this product. This promotion may not be combined with any other discounts or promotions. A Human Tissue Contract will need to be signed prior to shipment. Our standard Terms and Conditions apply. BioHorizons® and MinerOss® are registered trademarks of BioHorizons. Not all products are available in all countries. ©BioHorizons. All Rights Reserved. SPMP23022GB REV A FEB 2023. 


i Solakoglu, Ö., Götz, W., Heydecke, G., & Schwarzenbach, H. (2019). Histological and immunohistochemical comparison of two different allogeneic bone grafting materials for alveolar ridge reconstruction: A prospective randomized trial in humans. Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 21(5) 

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